When the hustle and bustle of city life gets overwhelming, I find my little peace of mind in hiking and creation. In those moments of calm, I slowly return to my inner self, pause, and soothe my senses. Fusing my identities as a hiker and an artist, I believe that to reach the pinnacle of life is very much like reaching a summit. We need to continually grow, improve, and be better versions of ourselves each day, so that when we reach the goal of our journeys, we can look back in awe of all the peaks and valleys we have passed through along the way. So precious are these moments that I want to chronicle them by bringing art, hiking and nature together.
Grateful to have this opportunity to put my mountain inspired artworks altogether to share with all of you:)
面對日常煩惱、吵鬧擠擁的城市以及焦慮不安的情緒,上山和創作讓我慢慢走回自己的內在,梳理紊亂的思 緒。也許登山就如人生——每跨過一個低窪,每越過一次山峰,就是學會成為更好的自己,當生命到達終點時, 我們也就看遍了人生中的高山低谷,再透過創作,把過程中的感受全紀錄下來。
《 Surmounting 上山去 》 Solo Art Exhibition by Koey Li 李家儀作品展
2021 Nov 20 - Dec 5 (closed on Mon) 11:00 - 19:00 G/F, 23 New Market Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong arthome 藝術家
Opening 2021 Nov 19 (Fri) 18:00 - 21:00